Static pods
Static pods ———> pods created by kubelet agent on worker nodes
Assume you have only one worker node on cluster and no control plane and you need to create pods.
These pods are created by kubelet agent.
How to path configuration files for pods to kubelet ?
kubelet is configured to read pod definition from path you can configure which path.
or —config=filex.yml
kubelet works on pod level not support any other k8s object
How to list created static pods ?
$ docker ps # because we’re running on single worker node
kube-api server if exists is aware of static pods but cann’t edit them.
use cases————>
Deploy control plane components as static pods
Differences between Daemonstes && static Pods ?
Daemonstes ————→
1) Created by kube-apiserver
2) single copy of pod on each node in cluster
3) monitoring agent, Networking , logging agent
4) Ignored by kube-scheduler
static Pods ——————→
1) Created bu kubelet
2) deploy control plane component as static pods
3) Ignored by kube-scheduler
If you are in cluster and need to see static pods ?
$ kubectl get pods
like this etcd-controlplane
If you try to get path for static pod manifest on worker
on /var/lib/kubelet/config.yml ———→ search for staticpod